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Kiba Candles Diffusers

Diffusers are used to create a scented environment. You can use them at home, in the car, at work or in any environment you want to aromatize.

At Kiba Candles, you can find 2 types:

Reed diffuser: Also known as a mikado diffuser, this type of diffuser uses cotton fiber rods to absorb fragrances and release the aroma into the environment.
Home and linen spray: Our home and linen sprays are the best way to perfume your home but also your car in just a few seconds. They are made from 100% natural ingredients. You can spray the air, fabrics, carpets, car mats and even dried flowers for a long-lasting scent. The scent of Home Spray may last for a few days.

So, choose your fragrance and enjoy!

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